Charitable giving increased among Realtors last year

Charitable giving increased among Realtors and Realtor associations in 2023, according to a new report from the National Association of REALTORS® (NAR).

The association’s 2024 Community Aid and Real Estate (CARE) Report shows that both monthly volunteering and annual monetary donations increased last year. The typical amount donated annually was $1,000, up from $800 in 2022.

Meanwhile, 69% of Realtors volunteered monthly at an average of eight hours per month, up from 66% a year prior. Realtors were mostly likely to have volunteered with food bank delivery or meal preparation, local schools or kids’ sports teams.

“Realtors are intertwined with and engaged in their communities, and the CARE Report highlights the great volunteer efforts by NAR members,” President Kevin Sears said in a press release. “It is heartwarming to see Realtor associations nationwide continue to enhance and further local charitable endeavors, and I’m proud to be associated with such caring and thoughtful professionals.”

Eighty percent of respondents additionally said that community involvement is an important component of their business plan.

“Volunteerism indicates a strong commitment to community engagement and social responsibility,” said Deborah Miller, a 2022 Good Neighbor Award finalist. “As Realtors, we demonstrate a genuine dedication to making a positive impact beyond our professional duties. It reflects positively on our character, suggesting a sense of empathy, community awareness and a willingness to contribute to the well-being of the neighborhoods we serve.”

The post Charitable giving increased among Realtors last year appeared first on Atlanta Agent Magazine.

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