Sold! After Slashing $3M From Pacific Palisades Pad, Matt Damon Finds a Buyer

After a giant price slice just weeks ago, the star of “The Bourne Identity,” Matt Damon, identified a buyer for his longtime pad in Pacific Palisades, CA.
The post Sold! After Slashing $3M From Pacific Palisades Pad, Matt Damon Finds a Buyer appeared first on Real Estate News & Insights |®.

Does your brokerage offer training on selling new construction? Find out what Atlanta brokers say in our new survey.

Do you have clients looking for new construction? Have you sold any new-construction homes in the last 12 months? Check out what our readers have to say in our new survey.
The post Does your brokerage offer training on selling new construction? Find out what Atlanta brokers say in our new survey. appeared first on Atlanta Agent Magazine.

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